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Watering Sod, How to Water, How much to water sod, Water Sod in Des Moines
Mowing new sod, How to Mow New sod, When to mow new sod
How to care after sod is installed, Des Moines Sod


Watering your sod within a half hour after it is installed is critical. Proper watering is vital to the development of the sod.  During the first two weeks your goal is to have the sod and soil underneath completely soaked. To determine if you are watering

enough you can pick up a piece of the sod and see if the ground below is wet.


Please see our Water Tips Sheet for

more information.

Mowing & Fertilizing​

Mowing: Your new sod should not be mowed for two weeks allowing the roots to start to develop.  Prior to mowing, set the mower deck at the hightest setting and cut the new sod with the setting for the remainder of the year.  If you scalp the new sod it will not survive.


Fertilizing: Your new sod was fertlized at the sod farm; therefore, it will not need to be fertilzied until fall or next spring. 

Future Maintenance

Even though your new sod appears to have taken root, it is not as sturdy as an established lawn.  It will take a while for the roots to reach thier mature length.  Until the roots are mature, the sod is still susceptible to dry conditions.  


If your lawn is installed in spring, remember it will require water through out the year to help establish the root system.  



Sod & Seed Maintenance


After your new sod or seed is installed, the first question is what's next?  Maintenance is the most critical part of the survival of both sod or seed.

Pets on Sod, How to care for sod with pets


While you would like your dogs to enjoy the new sod immediatly, here are a few things to remember:


1.  Once your new sod is installed you need to keep your dogs off the lawn for the first two weeks if possible.


2.  It's important to note that any amount of dog urine will kill new sod or     established turf.  Frequent watering helps dilute the ammonia in the urine. Any areas that "burn out" from dog urine will need to be removed, the soil cultivated and new sod installed with daily watering.   



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